Computer Science Projects

Resume Website

This website is a visual representation of my resume built with HTML & CSS Flexbox

Blue Jay Pantry Website

Created by a group of students at Elizabethtown College, this website seeks to be a software solution that simplifies food pantry operations.

Snailz Programming Language

The slow language for all your daily coding needs, that you didn't want.
computer sitting on desk

Summer Research

This researched used a Python program to analyze data and see if track block position away from the start line made any differnces in the first step distance, velocity and time to first step

Baseball History Website

The Baseball history website serves as a practical example of employing SQL for webpage functionality, showcasing various baseball-related statistics such as Hall of Fame members, top earners, RBI leaders, and home run champions

Etown Course Planner Website

Created by a group of senior students at Elizabethtown college this website seeks to ease course planning for both students and professors.

Finance Chatbot

A team of three individuals collaborated to develop the Stock Whisper Analyst Finance Chatbot, aiming to create a versatile chatbot capable of addressing common financial inquiries regarding stocks and offering insights on particular stocks.