
For this project, I worked with a partner to learn about the creation and design of programming languages and make our own. We developed our own programming language capable of performing a variety of basic operations, including variable assignment, variable evaluation, arithmetic operations, conditional evaluation, logical operators, and list management. Additionally, our program can handle booleans, strings and integers. To make our program more fun and fit with our theme, we decided to add some key slow features to our language, like having ThereneverisaslowerpaceThansnailscompetinginarace(x) be the syntax of our print statements and having a built-in BOGO sort.

Tools Used

Visual Studio Code- This served as our development environment, providing a robust code editor and extensive extensions for web development. Python- Employed to manage command analysis, backend voice analysis, and API requests through Flask.
GitHub- Used a GitHub repository to store project code to be easily able to manage different features and versions of the language. It also allowed for easy collaboration between group members.